Friday, February 19, 2010

She's so helpful that way

My sweet Madeleine has been so helpful lately. She has especially taken to helping her little 2yo sister, Leah. The other day I overheard her talking in her high-pitched "I'm talking to a little kid" voice and say:

"Leah, I'm going to help you potty train. When you need to go potty, you say: 'I need to go potty!' and I'll say, 'Run! Run!'"

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Prayer Intentions

  • ~For humility and joy.
  • ~For truth to reign in the hearts of men.
  • ~Thank you, Jesus, for the precious gift of family and friends.
  • ~For the grace to be a good mommy!


About Me

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Mandie DeVries is a wife, homeschooling mother of 6 children, and a catechist of the Good Shepherd. She received recognition as a CGS Level I Formation Leader by the National Association in September 2015 and is currently studying for her Masters in Theology at St. Meinrad School of Theology. For several years she wrote a weekly article about adventures in Catholic parenthood and CGS-related vignettes for her parish blog and parish bulletin called "Faith Formation Begins at Home." She continues that work today on several blogs:,, and