Friday, January 23, 2009

Late Last Night While We Were All In Bed

Matt was hogging the computer. Tonight it is my turn. After successfully increasing my tax return by over $1000 this week, I am feeling understandably perky. Nothing underhanded at all, just working with the new tax laws (50% bonus depreciation, YEAH!) and calculating ALL of the interest paid on this monster house. Yikes! I did increase our tax liability slightly when I remembered the whopping $30 I was paid last year for jury duty. Matt says I am a tax nerd.

Our first official showing tomorrow was cancelled due to a death in the appointment holder's family. SO, we get to put my dad's advice into practice right away: don't let house traffic (or lack of) control your emotions. Right-o, Dad.. I let tax returns do that.

Funny kid story of the day: After having so many children, we realized that we need to be specific in discipline. Saying Stop or No or Put That Down is not near as effective as singling out the particular offending child. While it has worked brilliantly at squelching undesired behavior, we have discovered the flaw in this method. Our littlest one was getting quite possessive and whenever we would try to take something (like not-for-baby objects) she would yell: "WE-UH!" I figured this was her way of saying mine, however this week we figured out that she says "We-uh" instead of "no." Our poor little Leah has been trained to think her name means "NO!"

So if anyone hasn't checked out my sister's blog, here it is: I am feeling seriously inferior to her blog, since she's hilarious. Plus I think Tim gives her more fodder.


  1. Hey now...I would like to take a minute to defend myself...never mind, I do give her more "fodder" as you say.

  2. I'd like to defend myself too. Mandie hogs the computer far more than I do.


Prayer Intentions

  • ~For humility and joy.
  • ~For truth to reign in the hearts of men.
  • ~Thank you, Jesus, for the precious gift of family and friends.
  • ~For the grace to be a good mommy!


About Me

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Mandie DeVries is a wife, homeschooling mother of 6 children, and a catechist of the Good Shepherd. She received recognition as a CGS Level I Formation Leader by the National Association in September 2015 and is currently studying for her Masters in Theology at St. Meinrad School of Theology. For several years she wrote a weekly article about adventures in Catholic parenthood and CGS-related vignettes for her parish blog and parish bulletin called "Faith Formation Begins at Home." She continues that work today on several blogs:,, and