Monday, May 3, 2010

Crazy Kids

OK, the hardest part about being a mom is how you can't remember anything! I have been planning to write a blog about the hilarious things that the kids have said in just the past week, but this is the only one I can remember:

"Hey kids, we should pray for Aunt Sarah because she has her last show tonight (she was performing at the Lyric in Kansas City!!!)"

Emma: "You mean, we need to pray that her baby doesn't come out in the show?"


Leah does a great knock, knock joke:

"Knock, Knock."
"Who's there?"
"Dead guy."
"Dead guy, who?"
(Turns head to side, sticks out tongue). "Ack!"

She's actually not so good with the jokes, as she mixes them up.. or has really bad timing:

"Knock, Knock."
"Who's there?"
"Interrupting Cow."
"Innnteerrrrupptinnnnggg Cooooooowwwwww, whoooooooooo?"
(Long Pause)

Or this one:

Why did the skeleton cross the road?
To go to the store and get some guts. (This one assumes you know that the skeleton was afraid to cross the road because he didn't have any guts).

Leah is also absolutely NOT afraid of water. She will walk right to her drowning death in a zero entry pool and have no remorse about it afterward. It was actually quite frightening to see. This last weekend, I had her on my belly as we were floating in the pool at The View in Grandview, MO and she squirrelled around and kind of fell off of me and got her head under the water. To this she reprimanded me: "MOM! How many times do I have to tell you???"


Emma also had a very dramatic time with her Aunt Genny. She was constantly frustrated last Sunday in her pursuit of art supplies and was limited to the likes of construction paper and crayons. After we had left, her aunt Genny did find what Emma had made in lieu of her more creative dreams and plans: A Wishing Book.

Cover: My wishing book
Page One: "Wishing I had never been born."
Page Two: "Wishing for scissors."


Madeleine digs school and is pretty much taking care of Teach your child to read in 100 Easy Lessons all by herself. She is pretty much a scaredy cat, though, and does not like to have the door closed when she goes to the potty, which can be awkward when guests come over, and she will only let me close the door in her room IF she is on her bunk bed. She also makes "hammocks" for herself out of her blanket and the loft bed. I am not sure how she does it, but she does it all the time!

Beps: Besides wanting to move to West Bend, the biggest part of her life right now is preparation for her First Holy Communion. She has just 1 Sunday left that she will have to get a blessing. She has memorized her Act of Contrition (it took her about a week to do it confidently without the paper) and she is pretty excited for May 16th! She's growing up in so many ways. She is now my official Jell-O maker, and she is also Felicity's favorite baby-sitter (so Bethany says).

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Prayer Intentions

  • ~For humility and joy.
  • ~For truth to reign in the hearts of men.
  • ~Thank you, Jesus, for the precious gift of family and friends.
  • ~For the grace to be a good mommy!


About Me

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Mandie DeVries is a wife, homeschooling mother of 6 children, and a catechist of the Good Shepherd. She received recognition as a CGS Level I Formation Leader by the National Association in September 2015 and is currently studying for her Masters in Theology at St. Meinrad School of Theology. For several years she wrote a weekly article about adventures in Catholic parenthood and CGS-related vignettes for her parish blog and parish bulletin called "Faith Formation Begins at Home." She continues that work today on several blogs:,, and